Thursday, April 3, 2008

personal day off

I've come down with the common cold :( I didn't realize I had a perfect remedy for it until 3 days into it, and after I had skipped class to sleep. I did need a day off I think work is too much for me. The patients are too needy and are not very nice, no one is very nice there. I am a truely nice person I think. I am also pretty sensitive so although I may appear to have my feet set on the ground firmly they can also be disturbed sometimes too easily. In the end it doesn't matter if my emotions are affected I would hope I get what I put out there but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. What it all comes down to is are you making yourself happy? I am definitely doing everything I can to make myself happy. I am in a career I absolutely wouldn't give up anything for. If I won the lottery I wouldn't change what I was doing whatsoever. I don't think many people can say that these days!!! I am getting to the point that I know so much but I can see how much knowledge can be just another door to open another door of problems. I think the saying of life is about the journey not about the ending because life only ends with death, and if we don't enjoy the journey then we'll never be truely happy. Sure there are endings and beginnings, but if that is all someone looks forward to then they are missing a huge part of life. I intend to focus on what I am doing now. Down the road doesn't matter as long as I am happy with my wellbeing today. I very much hope to have a fun day tomorrow evening. I am going out with a friend that I haven't seen since January which is just because we are both busy grad students but it should be fun as I need to get together with friends more often. It's too bad I don't really have a good group of friends to go out with anymore in Seneca Falls. My sister said I am the best person at not making friends. I said it was because I am myself up front, I don't hold back a darn thing. Who you meet is who I am forever more. Of course I keep things hidden and have some pretty strong views on healthcare and medicine but I think everyone has an area that they keep hidden from the outside world until they are ready to fully blossom and show their true being. I dont have a point here I just wanted to blog. Thanks for reading.

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