Tuesday, March 25, 2008


At work today, I know completely acupuncture non related but oh well, I had the pleasure of working with someone that is completely over nervous all the time. What is it with these people that are walking down the hall and stop and go OOHHH SHIT!!!! and throw their arms up in desperation because they can't handle anything they think of that they might have not done. Its like a disease where people just can't seem to be good at life or something. If I think of something I didn't do I dont do that? It's unprofessional to be so unable to cope with a job. I mean it's important but not that important to get bent out of shape about one thing. I guess my orienter left someone in the bathroom that was yelling for her to get her which is so stupid of her. I am not impressed with this woman. I guess she gets abused at home and she was pretty mean to me a few times. She has no sense of humor with her coworkers she's actually very stupid. OK I'm done this isn't about acupuncture.

1 comment:

Candace said...
