Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nice days

I am surrounded by happiness for no reason. It was great in class today I am getting 100s on all my quizzes and I was kind of tutoring one of my classmates on the formulas for this week. It is intense how easy school feels right now. I just feel like I want to learn everything I absolutely can and use it for the good of my patients I will see someday. I hope to really use herbs often because they are much better than medicine. I have a lot of motivation, it being gemini/capricorn. So I guess that's all I have to say. I love clinic though. My clinician says I'm going to be a great acupuncturist. He gives me rave reviews about being professional and my theory so I definitely have SOMETHING going for me at least. I don't know I want to do better though I want to be the top of the world as far as acupuncture goes. I want everyone to know how amazing acupuncture can treat disease besides pain! I definitely have a bug for more information and being able to use it. So for now I am left to finish school and do the best I possibly can!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I had a great day today. I feel so confident with the moon in virgo. There is a lot of power available when the moon is in an earth sign. I don't know what it is really I just feel confident and able to do my job really well, and I realize what has to be done to move forward. Anyway I was reading a smut magazine about celebrities and came accross a grey's anatomy actor, the one from maine that I don't know his name. The article said he came "out of the closet" and I told the nurse in the break room that I was going to cry jokingly and she said "it has nothing to do with you". I didn't realize at the time how powerful that statement is. It's my new state ment. Also I want to say "save the drama for your momma" more often because my workplace is loaded with drama. Some loser I work with was pointer her finger and getting really angry at me because I told her she needs to put one of the people on her assignment on the bedpan. And she told me to do it because I answered the light... umm no because I was already taking someone to the bathroom that was mine and actually took one of hers to the bathroom too. I keep track of stuff like that I guess I'm not allowed to only the full time clique can tell ppl to do work. I am thinking she's just super insecure and is lazy.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

personal day off

I've come down with the common cold :( I didn't realize I had a perfect remedy for it until 3 days into it, and after I had skipped class to sleep. I did need a day off I think work is too much for me. The patients are too needy and are not very nice, no one is very nice there. I am a truely nice person I think. I am also pretty sensitive so although I may appear to have my feet set on the ground firmly they can also be disturbed sometimes too easily. In the end it doesn't matter if my emotions are affected I would hope I get what I put out there but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. What it all comes down to is are you making yourself happy? I am definitely doing everything I can to make myself happy. I am in a career I absolutely wouldn't give up anything for. If I won the lottery I wouldn't change what I was doing whatsoever. I don't think many people can say that these days!!! I am getting to the point that I know so much but I can see how much knowledge can be just another door to open another door of problems. I think the saying of life is about the journey not about the ending because life only ends with death, and if we don't enjoy the journey then we'll never be truely happy. Sure there are endings and beginnings, but if that is all someone looks forward to then they are missing a huge part of life. I intend to focus on what I am doing now. Down the road doesn't matter as long as I am happy with my wellbeing today. I very much hope to have a fun day tomorrow evening. I am going out with a friend that I haven't seen since January which is just because we are both busy grad students but it should be fun as I need to get together with friends more often. It's too bad I don't really have a good group of friends to go out with anymore in Seneca Falls. My sister said I am the best person at not making friends. I said it was because I am myself up front, I don't hold back a darn thing. Who you meet is who I am forever more. Of course I keep things hidden and have some pretty strong views on healthcare and medicine but I think everyone has an area that they keep hidden from the outside world until they are ready to fully blossom and show their true being. I dont have a point here I just wanted to blog. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


At work today, I know completely acupuncture non related but oh well, I had the pleasure of working with someone that is completely over nervous all the time. What is it with these people that are walking down the hall and stop and go OOHHH SHIT!!!! and throw their arms up in desperation because they can't handle anything they think of that they might have not done. Its like a disease where people just can't seem to be good at life or something. If I think of something I didn't do I dont do that? It's unprofessional to be so unable to cope with a job. I mean it's important but not that important to get bent out of shape about one thing. I guess my orienter left someone in the bathroom that was yelling for her to get her which is so stupid of her. I am not impressed with this woman. I guess she gets abused at home and she was pretty mean to me a few times. She has no sense of humor with her coworkers she's actually very stupid. OK I'm done this isn't about acupuncture.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

seneca falls story

I got nothing. I went to Rochester for fun today Seneca Falls is dead like the plague. Rochester is fun maybe I should go there more often.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

new blog!

I invented a new blog to mock my sister's. It will be about how awesome seneca falls is, and the such. If you don't believe me stay tuned!